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Louisiana is supporting vital oil and gas interests while pursuing hydrogen, solar, wind, alternative fuels, electric vehicle battery and CO2 emissions-reduction projects. The state is reinforcing its critical role in the global liquefied natural gas (LNG) supply chain as well, including hosting the largest LNG export terminal in the U.S.

The strategic support is working because Gov. John Bel Edwards makes balancing the complexities a priority.

The state is taking concrete steps towards meaningful implementation of 84 policy-specific actions in its Climate Action Plan. Drawing a path to net zero emissions, the plan lays evident that the economy of the future will be powered by renewable energy.

Louisiana’s location, geographic features, robust infrastructure and low-cost business climate make it a natural fit, and its skilled energy and offshore workforce add another unique advantage.

Oil And Gas 540X700

The state's oil and gas industry deliver affordable and reliable energy that sustains everyday life at home and around the world, making it an unquestionable global leader in energy supply and production. Companies in Louisiana are both meeting the demand for traditional forms of energy and ramping up research, development and production of new, cleaner forms of energy. Oil and gas operations support approximately one out of every nine of the state's jobs.

Liquefied Natural Gas 540X700

Liquefied natural gas (LNG) production and exports are booming in Louisiana and set to grow even more. Though demand for LNG has been increasing for several years, it surged in Europe following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, further elevating.
Louisiana's longstanding prominence in the global energy supply chain. Louisiana boasts three of the nation's seven LNG export terminals, providing domestic and international access.

Bioenergy 540X700

Biomass wood byproducts sourced from Louisiana's forests and liquid, or gas biofuels produced from biomass and agricultural feedstocks, are driving major economic development opportunities. The state offers abundant agricultural resources, and byproducts from its corn, sugarcane and soybeans are used to create renewable fuel. Louisiana's wood biomass facilities annually produce 10% of all pellets in the U.S

Hydrogen 540X700

Global hydrogen production is set to quadruple by 2030 and Louisianas preparing for the surge by upskilling its workforce and training future researchers and engineers. Louisiana's private sector has announced over $20 billion of investments in new hydrogen energy projects. Many of those will employ low-carbon or zero-carbon processes that can decarbonize plants, refineries and industries such as long-haul transportation.

Nuclear 540X700

Louisiana's two nuclear power plants are currently the state's largest source of carbon-free power. The two plants are capable of providing power to 2 million homes, accounting for 16% of the state's net power generation. Key to the state's nuclear power is its reliability Nuclear power plants can operate 24/7, providing a stable source of energy during times of high demand or inclement weather.

OFFSHORE Wind 540X700

Louisiana is poised to be a national leader in harnessing offshore wind potential with waves of advanced manufacturing, research and development and tech innovations. Experienced offshore oil and gas contractors from Louisiana played essential roles in planting Block Island Wind Farm's massive turbines in the waters off the Rhode Island coast. The federal government recently selected an area south of Lake Charles as one of two sites for offshore wind development in the Gulf of Mexico.

Solar 540X700

Solar power expansion in Louisiana is trending above the national average. A combination of sunny skies, open land, private investments, skilled technicians and higher education programs is providing the spark. The state is an ideal location for solar power, averaging 216 sunny days per year and offering wide, flat expanses of land that can be used for large-scale solar installations. There are currently over 60 solar companies operating in Louisiana, including manufacturers, installers and developers.